MZ8.png]];var lpix_1=pix_1.length;var p1_0= [[1041' alt='Scheduled Back Up Using Batch File' title='Scheduled Back Up Using Batch File' />Explain the Batch script to ping multiple computersecho off. Dont echo these batch file commands to the screen. Using the sign means including the current line. Label. 1If there is a file called d toolscomputers. Label. 1echo. Type a dot to the screen. Cannot find d toolscomputers. As the file called d toolscomputers. Cannot find Etc. to the screen. This file must exist in the location specified. It presumably contains a list of machine names or IP addresses one per line. Pause. Put a prompt on the screen which says Press any key to continue. Go to the end of the batch file i. Label. 1Now there is a subsection called Labelecho Ping. Test executed on date at time d toolsz. Type the words Ping. Test executed on along with the current date and time but instead of typing them to the screen, pass them using the symbol to a file called d toolsz. Scheduled Back Up Using Batch File' title='Scheduled Back Up Using Batch File' />Sub i. Theres actually a bracket missing from this, so the correct line should read for f i in d toolscomputers. Sub i. Loop through each line of the file d toolscomputers. IP addresses. Call a subroutine called Sub passing it the line thats just been read. For example this file might look like 1. The file d toolsz. This line will launch Note. Pad with this file so you can view it. Go to the end of the batch file i. Sub. This is the subsection call Sub which gets called by the For loop. Testing 1. Type to the screen the line that has been passed to this subsection. For example, Testing 1. Create a temporary value called state which is set to aliveping n 1 1 find i bytes set statedead. Call the PING executable. If you want to know more about this command then type PING The output from this is then piped to the FIND executable which is set to ignore case i. Essentially its looking for the PING command to be returning the text bytes meaning that the IP address or machine name is responding to the ping. How to Manage System Restore Points Using CCleaner Windows. System Restore is a wonderful feature that allows you to bypass software issues by restoring your. The Copy Files task allows you to capture file transfer steps within your SAS Enterprise Guide process flow. Its like FTP for SAS EG. JobStepPropertiesDatabaseRestore.png' alt='Scheduled Back Up Using Batch File' title='Scheduled Back Up Using Batch File' />If the text is not found so the find command failed then the state value is changed from alive to dead. Type the IP address and the state value dead or alive to the file d toolsz. The presence of the two characters means append rather than overwrite. There is some very clever batch file stuff in here, especially the use of the FOR command calling the subroutine and passing it a line at a time read from the text file, and then in the subroutine the use of the output piped from the PING command into the FIND command and then setting the state value if the find fails. Install Windows 2000 In Dosbox For Mac on this page. Very underrated things batch files.