Where should I apply for my marriage license Marriage licenses are issued by the county and you can apply for your license at any County Clerks office in the state. Legal%20fight%20continues%20after%20same-sex%20marriage%20licenses%20iss_9648604_1454590635928_1266149_ver1.0_640_360.jpg' alt='Florida State Marriage Licenses' title='Florida State Marriage Licenses' />Florida Marriage License Applications. Where should I apply for my marriage license Marriage licenses are issued by the county and you can apply for your license at any County Clerks office in the state. You do not need to apply for the license in the county where the marriage will take place as the license is good throughout the state once it is issued. Marriage license are good for 6. What is the applicable waiting period There is a waiting period of three days after the license is issued before it becomes valid. The waiting period does not apply to out of state residents who are getting married in Florida. Also, if the couple completes an approved premarital counseling class before applying for the marriage license then they can also waive the three day waiting period. Information on applicable premarital courses should be available from your local County Clerks office. How much do marriage licenses cost in FloridaThe license fee is generally 9. However, if the couple attends a registered premarital counseling class and can provide a certificate of completion, then the fee is reduced to 6. What information needs to be provided for the applicationGenerally, both the bride and groom will need to provide their full names, date of births, and social security numbers for the marriage license application. You will also need to present government issued ID, such as a drivers license or passport, that shows your name and date of birth before you can sign and file the application. If either party has been previously married, you will also need to provide the exact date of the final divorce decree, annulment, or death of the previous spouse. Is there an age requirement to get married Parties over the age of 1. Parties that are 1. The State of Florida requires that both applicants read the Family Law Handbook provided by the Clerk. You may access the handbook online in both English and Spanish. If one parent has been granted sole custody, then only their consent is required but they must provide proof of the custody arrangement. CLICK THE LINK TO YOUR CITY BELOW TO APPLY FOR A MARRIAGE LICENSESearch by State. To find more information about a business license in your state choose the state below. Disclaimer This site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, financial or tax advise. The information on this site should not be relied upon as an official source of information and should be independently verified. Marriage license Wikipedia. Marriage License from the State of Georgia. A marriage license is a document issued, either by a church or state authority, authorizing a couple to marry. The procedure for obtaining a license varies between countries and has changed over time. Marriage licenses began to be issued in the Middle Ages, to permit a marriage which would otherwise be illegal for instance, if the necessary period of notice for the marriage had not been given. Today, they are a legal requirement in some jurisdictions and may also serve as the record of the marriage itself, if signed by the couple and witnessed. In other jurisdictions, a license is not required. In some jurisdictions, a pardon can be obtained for marrying without a license, and in some jurisdictions, common law marriages and marriage by cohabitation and representation are also recognized. These do not require a marriage license. There are also some jurisdictions where marriage licenses do not exist at all and a marriage certificate is given to the couple after the marriage ceremony had taken place. Article 1. 6 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares that Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. HistoryeditFor most of Western history, marriage was a private contract between two families. Until the 1. 6th century, Christian churches accepted the validity of a marriage on the basis of a couples declarations. If two people claimed that they had exchanged marital vowseven without witnessesthe Catholic Church accepted that they were validly marriedcitation needed. Some states in the US hold that public cohabitation can be sufficient evidence of a valid marriage. Marriage license application records from government authorities are widely available starting from the mid 1. Some are available dating from the 1. America. 2 Marriage licenses have been required since 1. Massachusetts, with their use gradually expanding to other jurisdictions. United KingdomeditEngland WaleseditA requirement for banns of marriage was introduced to England and Wales by the Church in 1. This required a public announcement of a forthcoming marriage, in the couples parish church, for three Sundays prior to the wedding and gave an opportunity for any objections to the marriage to be voiced for example, that one of the parties was already married or that the couple was related within a prohibited degree, but a failure to call banns did not affect the validity of the marriage. Marriage licences were introduced in the 1. Licences were usually granted by an archbishop, bishop or archdeacon. There could be a number of reasons for a couple to obtain a licence they might wish to marry quickly and avoid the three weeks delay by the calling of banns they might wish to marry in a parish away from their home parish or, because a licence required a higher payment than banns, they might choose to obtain one as a status symbol. There were two kinds of marriage licences that could be issued the usual was known as a common licence and named one or two parishes where the wedding could take place, within the jurisdiction of the person who issued the licence. The other was the special licence, which could only be granted by the Archbishop of Canterbury or his officials and allowed the marriage to take place in any church. To obtain a marriage licence, the couple, or more usually the bridegroom, had to swear that there was no just cause or impediment why they should not marry. This was the marriage allegation. A bond was also lodged with the church authorities for a sum of money to be paid if it turned out that the marriage was contrary to Canon Law. The bishop kept the allegation and bond and issued the licence to the groom, who then gave it to the vicar of the church where they were to get married. There was no obligation for the vicar to keep the licence and many were simply destroyed. Hence, few historical examples of marriage licences, in England and Wales, survive. However, the allegations and bonds were usually retained and are an important source for English genealogy. Hardwickes Marriage Act 1. From this date, a marriage was only legally valid, if it followed the calling of banns in church or the obtaining of a licence the only exceptions being Jewish and Quaker marriages, whose legality was also recognised. From the date of Lord Hardwickes Marriage Act up to 1. Since 1 July 1. 83. Marriage Act 1. 83. So, today, a couple has a choice between being married in the Anglican Church, after the calling of banns or obtaining a licence or else, they can give Notice of Marriage to a civil regist In this latter case, the notice is publicly posted for 1. E Z Loader Trailer Serial Number Location. Marriages may take place in churches other than Anglican churches, but these are governed by civil marriage law and notice must be given to the civil registrar in the same way. The marriage may then take place without a registrar being present if the church itself is registered for marriages and the minister or priest is an Authorised Person for marriages. The licence does not record the marriage itself, only the permission for a marriage to take place. Since 1. 83. 7, the proof of a marriage has been by a marriage certificate, issued at the ceremony before then, it was by the recording of the marriage in a parish register. The provisions on civil marriage in the 1. Act were repealed by the Marriage Act 1. The Marriage Act 1. England and Wales. ScotlandeditMarriage law and practice in Scotland differs from that in England and Wales. Historically, it was always considered legal and binding for a couple to marry by making public promises, without a formal ceremony but this form has not been available since 1. More recently marriage by cohabitation with repute has also been abolished for any relationship commenced since 2. Church marriages without proclamation are somewhat analogous to the English marriages by licence, although the permission to perform them is not a church matter. Religious marriages in Scotland have never had a restriction on the place in which they are performed. Marriages in Scotland normally require between 2 and 6 weeks notice to the district registrar depending on the previous marital status and other procedural matters usually involving the country of residence and the nationality of the parties. Marriages with less than the normal amount of notice require the permission of the Registrar General. United StateseditIn the United States, until the mid 1. Common law marriages, if recognized, are valid, notwithstanding the absence of a marriage license. North Carolina and Tennessee which originally was western North Carolina never recognized marriage at the common law as valid without a license unless entered into in other states. They have always recognized otherwise valid marriages except bigamous, polygamous, interracial, or same sex entered into in conformity with the law of other states, territories and nations. The specifications for obtaining a marriage license vary between states. In general, however, both parties must appear in person at the time the license is obtained be of marriageable age i.