Current Drug slang terms street names for drugs. Current Drug Slang Terms. For Pharmacological Terms. We often overhear others using coded, cryptic language and sometimes wonder if they could possibly be referring to drugs. Current Drug slang terms street names of drugs and drug abuse. Charlie Pierce on all this ESPN nonsense and newspapering and what not is so fantastic and Im bitter we didnt run it. Go check it out. SI. Lets talk about weed resin. Its that tarfilled lump of goop that you scrape out of a bowl and smoke when you get super desperate. Weve all been there. The following are some current street or slang drug terms. Please note that these terms can change frequently and often. While these terms are not always related to drugs, any reference to any of the following should be taken seriously. Even if the individual is just joking, heshe is already buying into at least part of the drug scene, and investigation is. Revised 0. 32. 52. Alphabetical Listing click the letterA. For A Longer Listing of Some Street Slang, click the link AA LSD amphetamine. A Bomb Marijuana joint with heroin or opium cigarette that contains heroin or marijuana. Abe 5 worth of drugs. Abes Cabe 5 bill. Abandominiums Abandoned row houses where drugs are used. Abolic Veterinary steroid. Acapulco Gold Very potent strain of marijuana from Acapulco, Mexico marijuana. Acapulco Red Marijuana. Ace Marijuana cigarette PCPAcid LSDAcid Head User of LSD Acid FreakAdam Ecstasy MDMAAdam and Eve in the Garden of Eden MDMA methylenedioxymethamphetamine and MDEA combo MBDBAfgani Indica Marijuana. African Marijuana. African Black Marijuana. African Bush Marijuana. African Salad Catha edulis a. Africa and the Arabian. Peninsula. Fresh khat leaves contain cathinone a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act. African Woodbine Marijuana cigarette. Aftershock 4. 0 whiskey crystals, you eat them. Agonies Withdrawal symptoms. Can Crack Be Smoked Out Of A Bong' title='Can Crack Be Smoked Out Of A Bong' />Hang in there, Cindy. I know your pain. I am detoxing, for the last damn time. I smoked weed for decades. The headaches last about a week. The only thing that helped. Aimies Amphetamine amyl nitrite. AIP Heroin from Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan. Air Blast Inhalant. Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.2'>Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.2. Airhead Marijuana user under the influence of marijuana. Airplane Marijuana. Alcohol Booze, brews, hard stuff, hooch, juice, sauce. Alice B. Toklas A woman known for her use of marijuana as an ingredient in her brownie recipe marijuana laced brownie. All American Cocaine. All Lit Up Under the influence of drugs. All Star User of multiple drugs. Alley Juice Very cheap wine, GrapesAlpha ET Alpha ethltyptamine. Ames Amphetamine. Amidone Methadone. Amoeba PCPAmp Amphetamine marijuana dipped in formaldehyde or embalming fluid, sometimes laced with PCP and smoked also known as illym leek, crazy Eddie, wet, purple rain. Amped High. Amp Joint Marijuana cigarette laced with some form of narcotic. Amped Out Fatigue after using amphetamines, methamphetamines. Amphetamines Designer stimulant drugs also known as A, aimies, ames, amp, beans, bennies, bens, benz, black beauties, black birds, black bombers, black hollies, black. Christmas tree, crank, crystal, dexies, football, ice, lip poppers, meth, methamphetamine, methcathinone, snow, snow pallets, speed, star, uppers. Amping Accelerated heartbeat caused by drug use. Amy Inhalants. Amytal Barbiturate depressant. Anadrol Oral steroid. Anatrofin Injectable steroid. Anavar Oral steroid. ANDRO Androsteindione. Androsteindione Testosterone boosting nutritional supplement, made famous by baseball player Mark Mc. Guire, ANDROAngel Phencyclidine or PCPAngel Dust PCPAngel Hair PCPAngel Mist PCPAngie Cocaine. Angola Marijuana. Animal LSDAnimal Trank PCPAnimal Tranquilizer PCPAntifreeze Heroin. Apple Jacks Crack Cocaine. Are You Anywhere Do you use marijuana Aries Heroin. Aroma of Men Isobutyl nitrite. Artillery Equipment for shooting drugs. Ashes Marijuana. Ash Catcher Allows smoke to be double filtered when attached to the stem of a standing waterpipe and keeps the waterpipe free of debris. Assassin Of Youth Marijuana. Astro Turf Marijuana. Atom Bomb Marijuana mixed with heroin. Atshitshi Marijuana. Aunt Hazel Heroin. Aunt Mary Marijuana. Aunt Nora Cocaine. Aunti Opium. Aunti Emma Opium. Aurora Borealis PCPBB Amount of marijuana to fill a matchbox. B 4. 0 Cigar laced with marijuana and dipped in malt liquor. BC Bud Marijuana from British Columbia synonymous with any high grade marijuana from Canada. BDMPEA 2 4 Bromo 2,5 dimethoxy phenyl ethylamine, nexus, venus, bromo, spectrum, toonies, MFTB. J. s Crack cocaine. Babe Drug used for detoxification. Baby Marijuana. Baby T Crack Cocaine. Baby Bhang Marijuana. Baby Habit Occasional use of drugs. Baby Sit To guide someone through a first drug experience. Baby Slits MDMABaby T Crack. Babysitter Marijuana. Back To Back Smoking crack after injecting heroin or using heroin after smoking crack. Backbreakers LSD and strychnine. Back Door Residue left in a pipe. Backjack Injecting opium. Backtrack Letting blood back up into a syringe to ensure the needles in a vein. Backup Prepare vein for injection. Backwards Depressant. Bad Bundle Inferior quality heroin. Bad Trip Unpleasant LSD experience unpleasant episode with a hallucinogen. Bad Crack. Bad Go Bad reaction to a drug. Bad Seed Peyote, heroin, marijuana, marijuana combined with peyote. Bag Packet of drugs, usually a standard amount for sale container for drugs a package of drugs, usually marijuana or heroin a persons favorite drug. Bagboy Someone who sells dope for someone else. Bag Bride Drug using prostitute. Bag Man Person who transports money. Bagging Using inhalants. Baked High stoned on marijuana. Baker Person who smokes marijuana. Bale Marijuana. Ball Crack. Balling Vaginally implanted cocaine. Balloon Heroin supplier container for drugs. Ballot Heroin. Bam Methamphetamine. Bamba Marijuana. Bambalacha Marijuana. Bammies A poor quality of marijuana. Bammy Marijuana. Banano Marijuana joint laced with cocaine. Bang To inject a drug narcotics inhalants. Driver Restore Activation Key here. Bar Marijuana. Barbs Barbiturates downers, reds. Bar Crawl Going to several bars in a row drinking encouraging intoxication in groups. Barrels LSDBase Cocaine. Baseball Crack Cocaine. Bash Marijuana. Basuco Cocaine cocaine paste residue sprinkled on marijuana or tobacco cigarettes. Bat Can be used as a cigarette holder or as a small tube pipe See ChillumBathtub Crank Poor quality methamphetamine methamphetamine produced in bathtubs. Bathtub Speed Methcathinone See CatBattery Acid LSD, GHBBatu Methamphetamine. Bazooka Cocaine crack combination of crack and marijuana crack and tobacco combined in a joint coca paste and marijuana. B Bombs Methamphetamine. Beam, Beem Cocaine Crack. Beamer, Beemers Crack user. Beans Capsules for drugs MDMA, amphetamines. Beat To cheat someone. Beasties Huge marijuana buds, the flowering part of the plant, which contains the most THCBebe Crack. Bedbugs Fellow addicts. Beedies Cigarettes from India resemble marijuana jointsvehicle for other drugsBeer Bong, Hose Monster Funnel with hose attached, used to drink large amounts of alcohol quickly considered a drinking game. Belted Under the influence of a drug intoxicated. Belushi Using cocaine and heroin. Belyando Spruce Marijuana. Bender Drug party. Bennies, Bens, Benz Benzedrine peaches, amphetamines, methamphetamines. Benzedrine Type of amphetamine, bennies, bens, benz. Bernie Cocaine. Bhang Marijuana, Indian term. Big C Cocaine. Big Chief Mescaline. Big D Slang for LSDBig H Heroin. Big Man Supplier of drugs. Big O Opium. Bikers Coffee Metamphetamine. Bin Laden Heroin after September 1. Bindle A small packet of drug powder, often heroin, wrapped in tin foil. NOTE Whilst medical cannabis has been legalised federally, this does not mean cannabis is legal. From a doctor with prescription, yes. Growing it or buying it for personal use, NO. The information below is a general guide to state law, and should not be used as the basis of legal advice. You see its got to do with the state not federal government. The federal government is basically concerned with importexport and customs laws. The STATE governments however are the ones concerned with enforcing their states respective drug laws. So hands up if you know what your state cannabis laws are NSW anyone QLD Anyone Good on those people who actually could say they do, and welcome to my world if you actually verbalised your answer even though the question wasnt asked verballyNow lets revisit our good friends at the NCPIC National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centreand see what theyve got to say. Its actually quite helpful. The basic gist is this It is illegal to use, possess, grow or sell cannabis in Australia, but the penalties for cannabis offences are different in each state and territory. Of course they are. What sensible and well thought out drug policy based on scientific fact and harm minimisation wouldnt have 7 different sets of consequences for the same so called offence EXACTLY, NONE, but Australia doesBut what exactly are the differences Well we have to begin with the terms legalisation and decriminalisation, and of course prohibition. Prohibition simply means an order to restrain or stop, in this context it means all Australian citizens are required by law to stop or refrain from using or growing cannabis. According to the NCPICs Cannabis and the Law factsheet It is illegal to use, possess, grow or sell cannabis in Australia, but the penalties for cannabis offences are different in each state and territory. THUS,Some jurisdictions have decriminalised minor cannabis offences, such as the possession of a small amount of the drug for personal use. This means that the offence can be dealt with by a civil penalty, such as a fine, rather than by receiving a criminal charge. Speeding is a good example of an offence that is commonly dealt with by a civil penalty. If an offence is decriminalised, it does not mean that it is legal. Legalisation of cannabis would mean that cannabis would no longer be an illicit drug, but would be a legal drug like alcohol and tobacco. So essentially we are talking about penalties here. Cannabis is illegal, but how much trouble you find yourself in for having it will depend on where you are. NaturallyOK, so where is it decriminalised SA South Australia SA has had the most relaxed of all decriminalised states for the longest of all as they were the first to institute them in 1. The lowdown is possession of up to 1. ACT Australian Capital Territory I find it incredibly ironic that the state which contains our Parliament House has had the most relaxed form of our cannabis laws for the past 1. The lowdown is possession of up to two non hydroponic cannabis plants, or up to 2. Instead of paying the fine, the person may choose to attend a drug assessment and treatment program. NT Northern Territory Next to institute decriminalisation was the NT in 1. The lowdown is possession of up to 5. Cheers guys, but that raises a question in my mind, namely is that to say that in the eyes of the law if cannabis is decriminalised such offences are akin to speeding I DISAGREE SIR Am I honestly supposed to believe that if you get busted with cannabis in a state where it is decriminalised people will view you the same way as someone who has been caught doing 5. There is no stigma attached to speeding in our country, despite our governments inept attempts to curb it. Drug use on the other hand carries a significant social stigma that, for some strange reason, is VERY different to speeding. The foreword from After the War on Drugs Blueprint for Regulation by Transform Drug Policy Foundation 2. Heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, cannabis, prescription and over the counter medicines, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea we are all people who use drugs. Our refusal to acknowledge this comes from a deep seated fear that we might become, or be seen as, one of them. What we really need to focus on is the difference between drug use and drug addiction or dependency. Global prohibitionist drug policy continues to focus efforts primarily on the substances alone. This is wrong. Regardless of this, we have NSW New South Wales, QLD Queensland, WA Western Australia, VIC Victoria and TAS Tasmania left as the states where cannabis possession and use is a criminal offence. HOWEVERIt is unlikely that someone caught with a small amount of cannabis for the first time would receive a criminal conviction, because of the diversion programs that run in these states according to the NCPIC. But huh If its illegal doesnt that mean you cannot have any THE ANSWER IS, EVEN THOUGH IT IS ILLEGAL IN THESE FOUR STATES, IF YOU HAVE LESS THAN A CERTAIN AMOUNT YOU WONT BE CHARGED. Logical right NSW possession of up to 1. NSW may receive a caution from the police. QLD possession of up to 5. This is the only state in which diversion must be offered to a minor cannabis offender elsewhere, it is up to the police officers whether or not they offer diversion or charge the offender. One diversion limit. UPDATE WA Western Australia WA Police Minister Rob Johnson says anyone caught with more than 1. He said those caught with fewer than 1. Apparently this is to be based on a similar system used in QLD July 2. VIC possession of no more than 5. TAS possession of up to 5. Firstly let me say I cant express my disappointment at the absolute irrationality and seemingly ad hoc nature of policy that has implications for so many of our youth and their future opportunities. Mo Mowlam 1. 94. Minister responsible for UK Drug Policy from 1. From my experience of being responsible for drugs policy I came to the conclusion that legalisation and regulation of all drugs was the only way to reduce the harmful effects of this unstoppable activity. The Guardian, 1. September 2. She, of course, is not the only person who has this view. Simon Lentons Cannabis policy and the burden of proof published in the March 2. Drug and Alcohol Review echoes the perspective that prohibition of cannabis is futile and far more harmful than cannabis use to the user. He outlines how criminal sanctions against cannabis use is a failure because it has low support from the general community because the criminal penalties both potential and actual can have serious and long lasting detrimental impact, and also that more progressive policy such as decriminalisation does not lead to higher rates of cannabis use. I disagree with Mr. Lentons presumption that regulation of cannabis cannot work in Australia because of our International Treaty Obligations. This refers to how, many moons ago, our good friends the USA basically coerced many other countries to prohibit cannabis like them because they enacted racist and sensationalist policy to further self interest in their country. The Schaffer Library of Drug Policy is a good source for further information on this topic.